Pregnancy & Postpartum Care
Prenatal Chiropractic Care
Chiropractic evaluation and treatment during pregnancy is highly recommended and is considered a safe and effective way of treating musculoskeletal symptoms that many pregnant moms encounter such as pelvic, low back, tailbone, abdominal, groin, hip and neck pain, sciatica and extremity swelling.
84% of pregnant cases in study found relief from back pain after chiropractic care.
31% shorter labour times in multiparous women (more than 1 birth) and 25% shorter labour times in primigravida women (first time pregnancy) who receive chiropractic care.

Reasons to see a chiropractor during your pregnancy:
1. As the uterus grows to accommodate for the fetus, it pushes & pulls on structures in the body causing misalignments in the spine & pelvis.
2. As the belly grows, our bodies try and compensate for this extra weight, causing an increased curve in the low back & strains the surrounding muscles.
3. The increase in circulating progesterone, estrogen, & relaxin brings about pelvic laxity and decreases spinal stability.
4. Alignment of the low back & pelvis is crucial in allowing the maximum amount of space for baby to grow - proper alignment decreases the likelihood of breech presentations, pain & dystocia.
5. Maintain a harmonious balance of the nervous system to support a healthy pregnancy.
6. Receive a safe workout regime tailored to your current condition to help with posture, core stabilization, and pelvic floor activation.

Treatment includes:
-Gentle soft tissue work to restore neuromuscular function
-Gentle adjustments to establish appropriate pelvic and spine alignment
-Soft tissue manipulation for round ligament pain
-Writing out your birth plan/preferences
-Techniques for labour support
-Rock Tape application at various sites to help with rib pain, belly
support, meralgia paresthetica, posture support, and others.
-Exercise prescription for safe workouts
-Core and diaphragmatic instruction
What is the Webster technique?
The Webster technique, developed by Dr. Larry Webster, is a sacral analysis that is used to see how the sacrum articulates with its surrounding structures. It involves gentle adjustments to restore normal movement of the sacrum and sacroiliac joints.
This results in improved neuro-biomechanical function of the pelvis to relax the pelvic muscles relieving mom of any aches and pains and allowing the baby to assume the best possible position for birth.
Ensure that your chiropractor has additional training to provide safe and effective care during your pregnancy! Visit to search for a chiropractor in your area!

Frequently Asked Questions
My OB said if I go see a chiropractor, I will go into early labour… is this true?
-There is no evidence for this. Chiropractic treatment will help regulate mom’s nervous system, correct pelvic alignment and help baby get into the best possible position for birth. When baby is ready to come out - they will come out. Our bodies have an amazing ecosystem that regulates itself. There have been no evidence that shows chiropractic adjustments cause premature births.
My OB said if I go to a chiropractor and lie on my back, that will hurt the baby… is that true?
-Most women are on their backs during delivery as well!
My OB wanted to know why a chiropractor was going to turn my breech baby? Isn’t that dangerous without an ultrasound?
-We can’t physically turn your baby, that is called External Cephalic Maneuver. We look at pelvic and spine alignment and how it articulates with the surrounding structures. When pelvic alignment and muscles are working how they should be, baby may move into a more ideal position (because they aren’t constrained to do so!).
My friend asked if the baby turns and you keep doing Webster, won’t that make it turn back again?
-No. The Webster technique creates a balance in the pelvis. Baby won’t keep turning in a circle - she/he will just want to stay in its optimal position. Webster technique can be done at every visit to ensure that this alignment is kept.
My friend said if I get Webster done, the cord may get wrapped around the baby’s neck!
-When there’s no balance, they’re in a compromised position and that’s when the cord could get wrapped.
My friend said that I only need to get adjusted until the baby turns… is that true?
-No, we want to maintain that position throughout pregnancy. Seeing a chiropractor more frequently (especially if baby is breech) later in the pregnancy is often recommended.
How many visits is it going to take for my baby to move?
-It is variable depending on mom’s current condition, health status, history, and preferences.
We are not physically turning breech babies in utero!
Postpartum Chiropractic Care
You just had a baby! Congratulations! Recovery after pregnancy is different for everyone and we can help. Postpartum life continues and is tough work, but it doesn’t have to be painful or miserable.
77% of women who experience moderate to severe pelvic pain, sacroiliac joint laxity is predictive of persisting complaints in postpartum.
Treatment includes:
-Clearance for returning back to exercise
-Exercise and workout prescription unique to each individual
-Gentle soft tissue work and adjustments for proper alignment now that your body is trying to get back to your pre-pregnancy state
-Cesarean Section/scar tissue rehab
-Core assessment for muscle imbalances such as Diastasis Recti / DRA.
-Support for every momma - we have various resources to share!

Pediatric Care
Birth is both a beautiful and traumatic event for you and your baby. Every birth experience is different and can have different effects on your baby. Chiropractic care can help with:
1. Latching issues and/or preference for one breast during breastfeeding.
2. Colic.
3. General fussiness.
4. Sleeping issues.
5. Digestion issues.
6. Ear aches
7. Developmental milestones.
Treatment for babies is drastically different than it is for adults. Limiting rotation in the spine, understanding how birth went and how the mom is currently doing are just a few guidelines to our care.
The force needed to produce an adjustment on a newborn is about the same as checking the ripeness of a peach or tomato.